Financial Help for the Church in the Czech Republic
Fundraising tours for Bishops Vanak, Vlk, Lobkowicz, Cikrle, Graubner, and others producing
Funds for the maintenance of numerous parish buildings and programs
Repair and Maintenance of Nepomucenum Seminary and Velehrad Roma in Rome, Italy
Financial Help for the Church in North America
Acquisition and Repair of Church at Velehrad Chicago
Repair of buildings in Toronto Parish
Loan to acquire Velehrad California for the Mission Center and Bishop’s residence
Pilgrimages, Retreats, Cultural-Religious Celebrations
To Rome for Canonization of St Agnes of Bohemia in November 1989
To Tijuana, Mexico, for Shrine of Infant of Prague with people from California
To Philadelphia for celebration of St John Neumann
Priests for Missions in the USA, Canada, Australia Europe
Assistance for Czech Catholic Scholars preparing for leadership
Arranged scholarships for tuition and room and board at Marywood University in Scranton, PA, and Mount St. Mary University in Los Angeles California
Assistance when necessary with money for books and other necessities
8 men and 5 women received undergraduate degrees so far through this program
Opportunities for Established Czech Immigrants to Do Works of Charity and Justice
Respond to appeals for flood and tornado victims
Donate for education of Czech Seminarians in Rome and internships in USA
Small grants to priests for meetings, retreats and continuing education
Support for Youth Days with the Holy Father in Denver and Toronto
Czech Language lessons and cultural experiences for children